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Project Items

Line Item Number Description Units Quantity
1 1.01 Mobilization and Demobilization LS 1
2 1.02 Clearing and Grubbing LS 1
3 1.03 Flow Management, Erosion and Sediment Control LS 1
4 1.04 Cattle Gate EACH 1
5 2.01 Earthwork CU YD 810
6 2.02 Imported Topsoil CU YD 50
7 2.03 Tractor Path Grading LS 1
8 3.01 Logs EACH 72
9 3.02 Logs with Rootwad EACH 72
10 3.03 Piles EACH 32
11 3.04 Boulders EACH 64
12 3.05 Riprap TON 250
13 3.06 FES Lifts FACE-FT 400
14 3.07 Surface Fabric SQ YD 900
15 4.01 Native Riparian Seed LB 21
16 4.02 Bare Root Stock EACH 80
17 4.03 Shrubs EACH 40
18 4.04 Trees EACH 30